🧠 These thoughts will make you win

Welcome to reThinkable: a weekly newsletter where I share actionable ideas to uplevel your finances, personal growth, and productivity.

Today, we’ll cover:

  • The Placebo Effect demonstrates how belief can shape real-world outcomes.

  • The power of self-fulfilling prophecies.

  • How I apply the Placebo Effect to achieve success.

Estimated read time: 3 minutes and 30 seconds

I was in the park with my friend Mike and his baby the other afternoon.

We talked while the baby was stumbling along. Mid-conversation, the baby fell. She looked terrified and was about to cry. 

Almost immediately, Mike smiled, shouted "Ba-dum," and the baby started laughing. We continued talking like the fall never happened. 

Obviously, I asked, "What the heck was that?" and his response reminded me of the Placebo Effect.

Funny thing is, the Placebo Effect doesn't just work on babies; it works on adults too. And we can use it to our advantage to do and achieve more.

The Placebo Effect

The Placebo Effect is when people perform better because they believe something is helping them, even if that something is fake.

For instance, when researchers test the effectiveness of a new drug, they’ll split people into two groups.

  1. Group 1 gets the real drug. 

  2. Group 2 gets a placebo (like a sugar pill).

Both groups think they’re taking the real drug. After the experiment, researchers evaluate whether the real drug works better than just thinking you're taking the real drug. Many times, there’s no difference. 

For instance, with a placebo:

  • Patients reported feeling 50-60% less pain 

  • Runners ran faster

  • Students scored higher on exams

The Placebo Effect proves that belief alone can create real, measurable outcomes.

How the Placebo Effect Helped Me

Now that you have a better understanding of the Placebo Effect, here are 3 ways you can use it in your life.

Find Your Magic “X”

Unfortunately, in NYC, the sun is starting to come up much later, which makes it harder to go to the gym.

So I started eating a “Magic Snack” before heading out - maple syrup and a pinch of salt. It’s a great way to get simple carbs to start work out. Everytime I eat it, I tell myself this “Magic Snack” will give me the energy I need. So far, it’s been doing wonders.

Your Magic “X” doesn’t have to be food. It can be anything. Shoes, pens, drinks.

It’s not so much the thing itself but its the belief in how it will help you succeed.

Discard What Doesn’t Fit

Similar to how the Placebo Effect can have a positive effect, it can also have a negative effect. If you think something will hold you back, it will. For instance,

  • Saving money will make me miss out on great experiences

  • I don't have enough time to start a side hustle

  • My family is the reason I don't succeed

These negative thoughts cause you to fail by influencing how we respond to challenges that seem to confirm our negative beliefs.

  • If you believe you don't have enough time, you're less likely to look for creative ways to prioritize tasks and free up time

  • If you believe others hold you back, you're less likely to take steps to get out of their influence.

Placebos (and the opposite of it) are self-fulfilling prophecies. Recognizing them is the first step to breaking free from their influence.

Embrace The Power

The Placebo Effect opens your mind to the idea that you have more power over your success than you think. 

You can do more than you ever thought possible by expanding your mind to the idea that you can.

I want to end today's newsletter with a quote:

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you're right" - Henry Ford

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See you next Thursday,

— Vincent Chan

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Whenever you're ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Earn more money with a High Yield Savings Account: Open a HYSA in just 5 minutes with my free video tutorial.

  2. Savings Operating System (Free): Supercharge your savings with my free 5-step savings system.

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