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🧠 10 lessons I wish I knew sooner...

Read to the end for flying pizza

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Estimated read time: 3 minutes and 17 seconds

Last weekend, I celebrated my (belated) 29th birthday. 

I wanted to do something other than the typical celebration of “get dinner, drinks, go out, and return home with way too much pizza.” 

So… I decided to throw an Adult Field Day in Central Park! We relived childhood memories with games like water balloon fights, dodge ball, and relay races.

So in celebration of turning 29, I wanted to share 10 harsh lessons I now know at 29 that I wish I knew at 20.

đź”® 10 Harsh Lessons I Wish I Knew

1. You Need To Be Delulu

You need to be a little delulu if you want to accomplish big things. People who are always realistic will never see opportunities because they never push the boundaries. They get stuck in analysis paralysis. They try to plan and strategize the perfect solution and say they’re just being practical. But, this is all just fear in disguise. 

The most successful people break all the rules. They’re delusional enough to think they can achieve the impossible. Most of the time they don’t, but once in a while they do. And all you need is one time to change your life.

2. Enjoy Feeling Lost

Being lost in life can be a scary thing because it’s an uncomfortable stage where your past self is gone and you haven’t really met your new self yet. 

When I was 22, I was terrified because I felt lost in my career. I didn’t want to work on Wall Street anymore but didn’t know what I wanted to do. I wish I knew how to reframe this period in my life while it was happening; instead of seeing being lost as a bad thing, I could see it as an exciting process of meeting my new self.

3. The 7x7 Rule

Always apply the 7x7 Rule. Basically, if it’s not going to matter in 7 years, don’t spend more than 7 minutes being upset about it.

Most of the things you’re stressing and worrying about right now will not matter in a year, let alone 7. We often blow things out of proportion because it’s hard to detach from the moment, but if you zoom out, chances are, it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life.

4. The Good Old Days

A quote from The Office that always makes me emotional is when Andy says, “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.” 

A lot of what you take for granted in life is part of what you’ll one day call 'the good old days,' so take a minute and appreciate that you’re living in them now. Stop being too busy stressing about the future because you're wasting the present.

5. Your Only Obligation

The only person you should feel obligated to say “yes” to is yourself. You don’t have to say “yes” to every hangout you get invited to or every opportunity you see. You don’t have to say “yes” to things just because you don’t want to seem rude.

Understand that every time you say “yes” to something you don’t really want, you’re just saying “no” to yourself.

6. Risks and Regrets

Not taking enough risks turns into regrets. Don’t be afraid to take more calculated risks when you’re younger. You will have more than enough time to rebound if it doesn’t work out. 

Taking risks is like eating a super mushroom in Mario; it helps you level up in life faster. If you don’t take risks, life gets boring and you’ll regret it when you’re 70 years old and sitting in a cubicle.

7. It Only Takes 2 Seconds

Your life can change in 2 seconds. You never know when it will be the last time you watch a movie with a friend, tell a story to your kid, say goodbye to a loved one, or eat a meal with your sibling. 

Hug and embrace your people with your heart, always let them be the first to let go.

8. You Will Do This No Matter What

You will work hard early in life or late in life, but you will have to work hard either way.

If you don’t put in the work when you’re young, hard work doesn’t go away; it just comes later, at an inconvenient time when you’re older. 

Do your hardest work early on so you can enjoy the benefits later.

9. The Worst That Can Happen

When you want something, ask for it, and when you don’t hear back, follow up. The worst thing that can happen when you ask is they say “NO,” but if you never ask, the worst thing will always happen.

Remember, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you ask for what you want.

10. Forgiveness

Forgive your parents. Don’t hold onto grudges with them for too long; it isn't worth it. Sometimes we forget they’re just children in older bodies. 

There’s no rule book or guide to life; everyone is figuring it out as they go.

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PS: Here’s a flying pizza

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